• Suspended ceilings
  • Suspended ceilings
  • Suspended ceilings
  • Suspended ceilings
  • Suspended ceilings
  • Suspended ceilings
  • Suspended ceilings
  • Suspended ceilings
  • Suspended ceilings
  • Suspended ceilings

New sense
of space

Suspended ceilings

Suspended ceilings concealed installation, but accessible

One of the advantages of BER suspended acoustic ceilings, which are manufactured in accordance with EN 13964, is they are ideal where there are ventilation and cabling systems. Regardless of the system, format and the design that is chosen, the ceiling cavity remains accessible at any point, without special access panels. This allows maintenance, repair and installation to be easily undertaken. Because all BER acoustic panel systems can be removed and just as easily re-instated.
BER suspended acoustic ceilings are available in sound absorber classes A to E.

Find out more about our suspended acoustic ceiling systems
